Taking a bottom up approach to BD

Stu Pringle Director Leads leads leads? We need to improve sales. What are we going to do? The research has been done, and the BD processes have been critically assessed. The gaps have been identified, and there may even be a SWOT or two in the report sent over. What...

Make a better discovery call, part 2

Stu Pringle Director Part 1 was all about putting some structure around the discovery call In last month’s episode, the first of this two blog series, looked at a suggested structure for a sales discovery call. I presented the snappily titled GROWFSN model to keep...

Make a better discovery call, part 1

Stu Pringle Director Putting structure into discovery “Failure to plan is planning to fail”Benjamin Franklin 1790 It may be one of the older quotes you see wanged around on blogs like these, however our mate Benjamin was absolutely spot on when it comes to the B2B...

Warm calling for the win

BD in 2023, is it all AI and robots then? So here we are in the second half of the year. What kind of BD world are we living in these days?  Well, 2023 is definitely an interesting vintage. The home vs office debate rages on, data scraping is rampant, we are all...