
Stories from the world of BD

Hey Dougie!

The clan is growing I’ve been a bit quiet for a couple of weeks. Some good news that little Dougie Pringle joined the clan early morning on May 20. He’s great. Mum…

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B2B Sales right now, late March 2020

I originally published this on LinkedIn a couple of days ago and fresh off the phones this afternoon, I stand by every word. This is what it is like right now.Cutting to the chase. Health and well-being trump everything right now. We’re all in this together. COVID-19...

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A consultant’s classic that works for sales

It's as old as the hills in coaching and consulting circles. However, did you know the venerable 'GROW' model can work in the setting of a commercial call?  The GROW model has been around for donkeys years. In fact, a quick bit of Google reveals that it was invented...

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Right then, let’s go!

So this is it then. That awkward first post that one day will be at the very bottom of a (hopefully) long list. I'm sitting at my kitchen table putting together the final touches for Make the Break before a plan to go live next week. Current feeling: excited. This is...

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