Stories from the world of BD
The 3-2-1 content strategy: Powering growth in your business
Damien Burnett Account Manager In rapidly moving business sectors, effectively communicating your value proposition is essential for growth. Spend any time on LinkedIn and you will come across many different methods of planning content. Some are great, many are ok and...
When to move from founder-led sales?
Damien Burnett Account ManagerIn the beginning In the early phase, founder-led sales are often the best route. The founders have the passion, knowledge, and authenticity to excel at sales. They can explain the value proposition, answer objections, and even commit to...
Big. Hairy. Goals
Stu Pringle DirectorThe BHAG Method: Accelerating Growth in Renewable Energy Let's face it: most of us have lived through the frustrating cycle of corporate goal-setting. You know the one. A comprehensive strategy document passes between engineering, commercial, and...
Exhibiting at a trade show? It’s a question of zoom
Stu Pringle, Director. Conferences and trade shows have been a big part of my career
While my first sales job in the real world was 20 years ago in 2004 (woah that makes me sound old)
Woah… WindEnergy Hamburg 2024
Stu Pringle DirectorI’m currently on the way home from WindEnergy Hamburg 2024. The BIG one. This was my second time at the Hamburg event, which occurs every two years. The 2024 vintage was an absolute beast. Seven halls were filled with exhibitors large and small,...
Powering Up Your Content: How AI is Giving Renewable Energy Marketing a Boost
At Make the Break we take the development of AI seriously. There is value in using automations to enhance work and we’re doing this in our day to day work to support the effortless creation of campaigns and benefit our clients.
Work from the Wave
At Make the Break we place great emphasis on our people and empowering them to work in a way that is beneficial on a personal level, as well as getting the job done. We teamed up with Empire Engineering to organise a flexible working initiative called ‘Work from the Wave.’
The big industry event season is here. How to be a BD legend.
Let the games commence It’s May, and the event season is truly upon us. Forget those early-in-the-year meet-ups that have been and gone in February and March. We are now on to the main course. The big shows are coming thick and fast.
Why Brand Books matter
The brand book story “We do our best work when customers have a brand book” A brand book or brand guidelines or whatever you want to call it… it matters. There are a number of clear benefits from having a brand book. At a simple level, it provides…
Make a better discovery call, part 2
The first of this two blog series, looked at a putting some structure around the discovery call. This time, the attention is focused on the less tangible aspects of how to perform in that first call of substance with a new prospect…
Make a better discovery call, part 1
Putting structure into discovery “Failure to plan is planning to fail”Benjamin Franklin 1790 It may be one of the older quotes you see wanged around on blogs like these, however our mate Benjamin was absolutely spot on when it comes to the B2B…
There are no hacks in Business Development land. But starting a meet up just might be a pretty good idea
I am not a believer in BD hacks If the CEO is shouting ‘we needs leads now’ then the game is probably already up. Because here’s the thing. When it comes to good BD, there are no hacks. High pressure and high speed lead generation is not a fun game. BD is best done...