
Stories from the world of BD

Big. Hairy. Goals

Stu Pringle DirectorThe BHAG Method: Accelerating Growth in Renewable Energy Let's face it: most of us have lived through the frustrating cycle of corporate goal-setting. You know the one. A comprehensive strategy document passes between engineering, commercial, and...

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Woah… WindEnergy Hamburg 2024

Stu Pringle DirectorI’m currently on the way home from WindEnergy Hamburg 2024. The BIG one. This was my second time at the Hamburg event, which occurs every two years. The 2024 vintage was an absolute beast. Seven halls were filled with exhibitors large and small,...

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Work from the Wave

At Make the Break we place great emphasis on our people and empowering them to work in a way that is beneficial on a personal level, as well as getting the job done. We teamed up with Empire Engineering to organise a flexible working initiative called ‘Work from the Wave.’

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Why Brand Books matter

The brand book story “We do our best work when customers have a brand book” A brand book or brand guidelines or whatever you want to call it… it matters. There are a number of clear benefits from having a brand book. At a simple level, it provides…

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